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Chendi Linear Actuator

Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
Chendi Linear Actuator
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: GM1410-LM
The GM1410-LM Chandi linear actuator motor is for Golden Technologies Lift Chairs. 

All electric motors are all sales final and not refundable or returnable. We will discount any other parts you may need such as hand control, extension cable, or power supply to make a complete setup.
List Price: $298.00
You Save: $60.00 (20%)
Availability: Typically ships within 5 days
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