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Hand Control for Med-Lift 5555

Hand Control for Med-Lift 5555
Hand Control for Med-Lift 5555
Hand Control for Med-Lift 5555
Hand Control for Med-Lift 5555
Hand Control for Med-Lift 5555
Hand Control for Med-Lift 5555
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: 5555HC
There are several styles of hand controls used in the Med-Lift 55 series lift chairs, 5555, 5555P, 5555W, and 5555T. We are displaying some photos of them on this page. We will ship you the currently available model. This remote usually has six buttons to operate two motors. You can operate the Head separately for the Lift / Leg motors and also both motors at once.

If you have a 3rd motor for a power head rest please phone your order into 623-931-1983.

List Price: $129.00
You Save: $30.00 (23%)