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Okin Power Cable

Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
Okin Power Cable
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: P120
Okin Power Cable. This is the long 2 prong DC cable with a round prong and a flat prong. that goes from the motor to the power supply.   

It connects between the motor and the p119new power supply. It replaces Okin Power Cable part number 3.00.402.026.30, and many others. Please call or email if you aren't sure which cable you need.
Part Type: Cable
Manufacturer: Okin
List Price: $39.00
You Save: $16.05 (41%)
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