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PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M

PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
PR514 Hand Control ZKAD-C3M
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: P118-514
Units in Stock: 4
Hand control for PR514 Golden Technologies Cloud with Twilight Lift Chair and a UC558-MLA UltraComfort Lift Chair. This hand control must have the blue right and left arrows under the ZG and TV buttons to work the Twilight Motor positioning in your lift chair.

A similar-looking hand control with Sit and Sleep instead of the blue arrows will not work your chair.


List Price: $149.00
You Save: $30.00 (20%)