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Okin Stroke Tube With Metal Fork Head

Okin Stroke Tube With Metal Fork Head
Okin Stroke Tube With Metal Fork Head
SKU: P106
Okin Stroke Tube With Metal Fork Head

How to replace Okin Motor
information not included in above guide:

(Photo of stroke tube with metal fork head.  Plastic shown on motor)

The stroke tube threads onto the spindle nut in a counterclockwise, left handed fashion.  Prior to installation please bottom out the stroke tube and then bring it back out one full turn.  (It is then screwed all the way onto the spindle nut except for the last turn) Please be careful not to lift up on your leg rest or try to kick in your leg rest manually or you will strip out this spindle nut that is our part  #104 below.

Part Type: Motor Component
Manufacturer: Okin
List Price: $92.49
Availability: Typically ships within 12 days
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