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Ultra Ezz III Hand Control Repair

Ultra Ezz III Hand Control Repair
Ultra Ezz III Hand Control Repair
Ultra Ezz III Hand Control Repair
Ultra Ezz III Hand Control Repair
Ultra Ezz III Hand Control Repair
Ultra Ezz III Hand Control Repair
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: p354
Ultra Ezz III Hand Control Repair, Ultra Ezz 3 Hand Control Repair for Miracle Motion Massage on a wall-away 5500 single lift motor chair or a Dual Motor Full Sleeper 5555 lift chair.

These hand controls are now obsolete and no longer available.

THIS PRICE IS FOR REBUILDING THIS OBSOLETE HAND CONTROL IF POSSIBLE by soldering the connections and repairing broken wires and some mounts. When you test it on your chair if the repair is not successful we will credit you back $109.00 if you return the unrepairable hand control to us. Or, if unsuccessful we can apply your money paid to either a complete replacement electronics with newer versions or to a new lift chair.

We will email you the address to send your hand control in order for it to be rebuilt. You must send it to this special repair address. If we do not email it to you email us at and request it, please.

List Price: $225.00