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5500, 5600 Motor

5500, 5600 Motor
5500, 5600 Motor
5500, 5600 Motor
5500, 5600 Motor
5500, 5600 Motor
5500, 5600 Motor
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: 5500LM
Replacement Motor / Actuator for 5500 and 5600 and 5900 and other Lift Chairs made by Med-Lift, Best Home Furnishings, La Z Boy, Berkline and other manufacturers.
List Price: $249.00
You Save: $50.00 (20%)
Availability: Typically ships within 5 days
Product Details
Replacement Motor / Actuator for 5500 and 5600 and 5900 Med-Lift, Best Home Furnishings, , La Z Boy, and Berkline Lift Chairs and other brands.