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La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control

La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07 OEM hand control
(Click to see larger image and other views)
SKU: 11850
La Z Boy 11850U-00, 11850U-07, 11850, and 10.000035 OEM 6 button hand controls are all interchangable. 

Please double check that one of the exact part numbers above is on the label on the back of your hand control. Many La Z Boy part numbers differ by only one number.

They will be labeled Relaxor or La Z Boy on the face. InSeat Relaxor makes these hand controls for La Z Boy. They are identical. 

List Price: $189.00
You Save: $74.00 (39%)
Availability: Typically ships within 7 days